: what about the audio problems reported at a vx-2000, when using external mics??

: * do you heard about such problems?
: * what are your experiences about audio quality of the vx-2000 with external mics?

There are issues (the VX-1000 was much easier to deal with with external mics, as are most other camcorders...): the gain is set up for the low-output VX-2000 internal mic, so adding normal-output external mics results in too much limiting (you can use manual-gain to overcome this [and the VF display of levels is useful for checking audio levels], but you lose the advantages of auto-gain...), and with some combinations of paired mics, there is a hum problem (I like to use two shotguns for simulated directional "stereo" sound). A solution to the first problem (and somewhat for the second) is to add a pad between the mic outputs and camera inputs. I run the sound with the little remaining hum through Cool Edit's excellent noise-reduction module to clean it up - but it would be nice to not have these problems in the first place...;-)