On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 19:00:41 GMT, AC/DCdude17
David Ruether wrote:
>> Well, if we go to electronic imaging, even some
>> consumer-grade video cameras do a fair job of
>> shooting things in light levels we cannot see in
>> without the period of adjustment...
>True that our eyes takes a while to adjust, but once adjusted, it's
>unmatched. If you watch shows like cops, humans can see what's going on
>really well, but camera has difficulty and image quality is mediocre. What
>we see in real is fast frame, good quality image.
Most TV shows are still shot with film...
Video, as I said, can show a fairly good quality
image (in color) of things too dark to see well...
>> (the Sony
>> VX2000 is one, used with the lens at widest
>> zoom setting, aperture wide-open, gain at +18db,
>> and shutter speed at 1/4 second), or, if "cheating"
>> is acceptable
>Cheating isn't acceptable, because it out of context in question. I said
>strictly in available light mode.
But if we include "available" red-end tungsten illumination,
then the IR mode video (though B&W) can probably still "see"
things that are rather too dim for us mere mortals to see
well without adjustment...;-) Add an image intensifier,