>Stephen Kimmel wrote:
>> I'm looking for both a UV and a polarizer. Perhaps down the road an
>> ND. Do coated filters make a difference for these?

>Yes, as illustrated in a Hoya ad found in the August '96 PopPhoto that
>compares uncoated, single coated and multicoated filters. In Hoya's
>example, multicoating results in a dramatic improvement in clarity. [...]

Umm, those advertising examples have about as much to do with reality as
the old filter brochure examples of the improvement in B & W photos that
a medium yellow filter would provide - almost nothing. The UV filter, as
you noted, does have a very slight yellow color, but has no good or bad
effect on the image (assuming a high-quality filter, like a Hoya, as you
mention), since most lenses absorb most UV - it serves as a lens protector
only. Coating on the filter is useful (though not essential), and
multicoating may help under a couple of unusual circumstances
(but I have heard that coating is not usual for polarizers).
Hope This Helps