On 13 Mar 2002 06:35:08 GMT, fstrdr2@aol.com (FstRdr2) wrote:

>Is there anyway to get P6 to show the program monitor video on a TV monitor
>while your editing?
>The only way I can find is to use the export: print to video option...but
>that's not satisfactory because you basically have to stop everything your
>doing....surely there is some way to watch it on a TV monitor WHILE you
>edit....all other systems I've worked on can do this.
>Any idea how to do it with P6?????

This is more an issue with the FireWire card and
drivers than a P-6 issue - I've been using a TV
for quite a while while editing (with a Canopus
Raptor card). BTW, I find both a hardware-overlay
full-res/full-speed computer monitor preview *and*
a TV view useful while editing, and this (and
other) cards can provide this...