On Wed, 1 May 2002 11:56:12 -0400, "Andrew P"
>Canon GL-1
>Panasonic PV-DV952
>Sony DCR TRV-900
>Any specific reasons for your choice?
The Canon and Sony (and an earlier version
of the Panasonic) are compared at:
Bottom line:
-- GL-1: greater than usual zoom range, and the
lens is a tad better at widest stops than the
others mentioned, but overall, the resolution
is low, and there are numerous objectionable
negative picture artifacts (more than the
others - see:
and the sound is AGC-only, with a bad-sounding
built-in mic. The worst of the three for all but
very specific needs...
-- TRV900: good picture under most conditions
(with the greatest low-light range of these
three), decent sound, relatively compact and
-- DV952: not reviewed, but from experience
with the EZ30U/950 and from comments of users,
it has a rather red picture along with some
other negative picture artifacting, poor low
light range, good sound, and it is also
relatively compact and light...
If you have the money, the VX2000 is superior
to all the above, and except for low-light
range, the new TRV950 looks like it might be,