On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 16:22:50 -0800, "Kyjaing" wrote:

>I'm deciding which of these camcorders to buy.
>After searching the web, I found several posts which describes these two
>camcorders as being the "same". However, checking Sony's web site,
>I found a couple of differences. Excatly what does this "same" means?
>Here are some questions that I have. Can anyone clearify this for me.
>1. On Sony's TRV30 page, it stated "Video Actual: 1390K, Still Actual:
> However, for the PC120B, it's the exact opposit: video: 970K, still:
> Is this just a "typo"? If not, then does this mean the TRV30 will give
>me a
> better "video" quality? I'm not interested in stills. I will be
>transfering the video
> onto my computer for editing.

This is likely a mistake on the web page - the imagers are the same as far as I know...

>2. The PC120BT's lens is "Carl Zeiss® Vario-Sonnar T*", where the TRV30's
> is just "Carl Zeiss®Vario-Sonnar" (without that T*). What does that
>"T*" mean?

Little, as does the "CZ" part.;-) The lenses are good, and the same, as far as I know...

> Sould I be concerned about that?


>3. The TRV30 has the "Intelligent Accessory Shoe Portable Printer
>Compatible" feature,
> which PC120BT does not have. What exactly is this? Is it the "Super
> wireless?

No - Sony offers a little printer that works directly with
some camcorders; the other is a wireless connection to the
TV, requiring an accessory...

>The main thing that will help me decide between these two camcorders is the
>"video" quality.
>Whichever gives me the better one is the one I will get. I had a chance to
>hold both of
>these and I like them both (handling wise) equally.

They should have identical pictures. For more, see:
where the various Sony *imaging types* are compared.
You may find some surprises (read the text...).