On Wed, 09 May 2001 13:05:36 +0200, NHV
>Im thinking about purchase a PCMCIA card for my TRV900E(Pal) but ... I
>wonder which is the best way to transfer still images from trv900e to
>I did try the floppydisk and firewire transfer. I found out that the
>images are much lighter with firewire (captured with Adobe Prem. 6 -
>"Stop motion" capture) and that I get the correct ratio 720x576, while
>images that stored in floppydisk are resize down to 640x480 and the
>original ratio was not correct and they are much darker (im using
>Photshop 6).
>What else can i do? I've been at http://www.bealecorner.com/trv900
>(very, very informative site)... without luck!
>Is there any better way to transfer still images back to TRV900 with
>better quality ? (progressive/lower jpg compression .. ect...)
Mentioned on the Beale site is what I found most practical,
with the best results: a PCMCIA card with Compact Flash
cards and a separate CF USB reader - this is cheap, easy to
use, fast, and the stills are the highest quality the camera
can make (though they are in the "correct" 4:3 proportion
for NTSC, possibly a problem in PAL land..., and should
be optimized in a photo editor [as all images should be,
unless dropped directly back into the video - but for this,
I would export frames from the timeline so they properly
match the motion-footage]). To maintain PAL DV resolution,
I guess the only way is export of frames that show minimal
motion-interlacing artifacting from the video editor, but
these may look less sharp than the CF-captured stills...