On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 16:07:01 GMT, amu@unicorn.micex.ru (Alexander Murzinov) wrote:

>1) Does TC-14A prevents AF capabilities of AF lens used with it? What
>about 3D matrix metering and DOF preview? I would like to use it with
>AF 35-70/2.8D and AF 85/1.8D and maybe 180/2.8D ED-IF. Bodies are F70
>and FM2.

No AF, etc., but DOF works fine with the converter. The TC14A
is OK with the 20mm f2.8, but not great (the 16mm fisheyes are
really excellent on the TC14A), and the *AIS* 28mm f2.8 works
well, even making a decent macro lens on the 2X... It should
be good (not as good as without it...) on the other lenses
mentioned, and is good on the 180 AF.

>What is the difference between TC-14A and TC-14E, TC-14A and TC-201?

Look at the end of my Nikkor evaluation list, on my web
page, under "I babble", for a description of all the Nikkor

>2) Seems 20/2.8 AIS is very good lens. Is the AF D version of the same
>optical quality or not? Is it easy to focus it manually in case I will
>need to use it with FM2 body? Are both of them good with

AF and MF are optically identical, but the MF is more
nicely constructed, and nicer to use for MF (though the
AF isn't bad for this). Teleconverters work well with
some lenses, OK with some, not well with some (put the 20
somewhere toward the right in this grouping...;-).