On Sun, 27 Dec 1998 21:12:55 -0600, "Jordan Ayan"
>I have been trying to find anyone who has actually used the new Sony
>PCV-E308DS. I played with it for a few minutes in a Circuit City store, but
>was not able to get a real feel for it. I am interested in editing DV shot
>on a TRV900. Am concerned about quality after edited. I called Sony and
>they said that it will be great..but that is Sony speaking. Any input
>appreciated. Also any input on Sony support of PC's?
Keeping firmly in mind that I have never used the Sony
computer..., it does seem to me (having used the DPS Spark
and Premiere 4.2 with mini-DV for a year) that the machine
could work, but would definitely benefit from the immediate
addition of a very large UDMA drive... Without this, I can't
see how capture/play of mini-DV clips of any but short
lengths can be done reliably (without dropped frames).
As to quality, the point of mini-DV is that there is
(generally) no loss with copying - the edited material
should look as (VERY!) good as the original, unless
you intentionally mess it up in editing...! ;-)
Dunno 'bout Sony support for their computers...