I bought a Rollei 35 with Xenar f3.5 lens when it first came out
(fortunately ignoring Consumer Reports pointed "unrecommendation"
of the camera). I slightly modified it so that the film would lie
flatter in the short film race, and happily used it until the
Rollei 35 with the "superior" Sonnar lens came out. I sold my
Xenar model in Ithaca, NY, bought the Sonnar model (which I was
never as happy with - the lens tested better, but the slides lacked
the crispness of the Xenar), moved to Seattle, and sold the Rollei
soon after. Seven years after moving to Seattle, I moved back to
Ithaca (one can stand "Limbo-weather" only so long...), and, while
walking along the stands at the Farmers' Market, someone behind
me called to me and asked if I wanted to buy my old Rollei 35
back! Nothing on it worked, but it was still mint, but for one
tiny dent. I figured nostalgia was worth $5, so I bought it.
I took the top cover off, took the dent out (no trace of its
existence remains), heard a click, and the advance unfroze. A little more fiddling, and the shutter started working. A bit of
a push on I-have-no-idea-what, and the meter started working.
I gave the woman another $25 (heck, I still got a bargain!),
and am happy to have my Rollei back, which has worked well
(except when cold) for 13 years now.
Hope This Helps