On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 09:40:22 GMT, "Simon Cooke" wrote:

>I'm just getting to grips with Adobe Premiere 6.0 and (not having ever done
>this before) I'm having problems. I've scoured the manual to not much luck
>on this issue.
>What I want to do is this:
>I have two clips from two separate cameras covering the same event. I have
>raw audio that I want to use to replace the audio from the cameras (the
>audio was bad quality).
>I want to be able to easily cut between the two video tracks, and keep them
>in sync with the new audio. As such, I've been doing this:
>1. Add both video tracks to the timeline with their audio.
>2. Add new audio to timeline.
>3. Shift video tracks until their audio matches the audio in the timeline to
>within a frame. (ie. slight reverb on the audio when it's all played

You can do this by opening the audio tracks and using
visual clues in the tracks (at higher track magnifications)
to synch them to the frame (check by playing the result - if
there is slight "reverb", the synch is not quite correct).

>4. Remove the audio from the two video tracks.

This method is good so far (though you do not need
to remove the unwanted audio tracks - you can
silence them by clicking on the appropriate icon
at the track left edge...).

>Now, the problem is, I want a bit more freedom with the video. Ideally, what
>I'd do now is use the two video pieces as sources for my A/B track. I'd go
>through them, and based on where I was wrt. the audio track, cut between
>them. I've already got everything in sync, so at this point, all I want to
>do is either hard cuts or dissolves - I don't want to re-order the tracks.
>Is there any way I can see my two video tracks onscreen (in the monitor)
>simultaneously, so I can see where I should make my cuts?

No, but you can turn tracks on and off to see particular
tracks (previews will disappear when you do this...).
Use the eye icon at the track left edge to do this.
With this method, I mix four camera tracks fairly easily...
BTW, I prefer the single-preview-window mode, with full-sized preview for better estimation of picture
I use timeline scrubbing and playing for making all cutting
decisions (this feels more "direct" to me - all other editing decisions can also be made here, unifying the

>Maybe I've just not explored Premiere enough, but this seems like it should
>be a simple task - and there doesn't appear to be a way to do it. If that's
>the case, then how do professionals take multiple video-with-audio tracks,
>synchronize the video and audio together and cut between them? Do they just
>have a master audio track that plays, and use a linked-clip to match up the
>lines? If so, what do they do when they don't have a clap/synch sound to
>synchronize up to?
>Anyone got any ideas? This should be really easy...

It is, once synch of all the tracks has been achieved.
BTW, you can open V2 and above to set transparency,
complex dissolve shapes, etc. using the "rubber bands"
(same as for audio tracks), and apply other transitions
between tracks V1A and V1B (bring down bits of clips
from other tracks to apply transitions other than
cuts or dissolves, if desired). BTW, I find it easier
to keep track of audio tracks if I rename them to
agree with the video track numbers (V2=A2, etc.) - I
don't know why Premiere uses a numbering system that
matches V1B with A2, etc...