
>I can imagine all sorts of possibilities and when I'm completely through the
>manual I'm going to explore them--but to get me started, can I bother you
>for one example?
"Steve Sakellarios"

One I found useful for "stretching" a wedding
scene at the end of a sequence by using three
nearly identical clips was to use a wipe top
to bottom between the clips, but as the wipe
started down, the clip being covered would
go progressively more red and soft (color
balance and better gaussian blur filters,
key-framed). Others: as use zoom transition,
the motion-tool can be used to twist the clips
during zoom in/out (I often use the motion-tool
to keep things where I want in the frame during
various transitions). With the complex Crystal
Graphics transitions, you can often pull them
apart and use some of the graphics for other
purposes. Etc. Think of the stuff as
Tinker-Toys - bits to be