On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 07:46:31 GMT, Paul Tanner wrote:

>Adding a transistion between 2 clips in Premiere 6.0 doesn't work as I
>I have two adjacent clips AAABBB and like to add a transition between.
>30 frames before the end of the clip AAA the transition to BBB should
>start. In the end, the sequence is 30 frames shorter.
>Instead of this, AAA becomes AAAaa (15 frames longer, maybe from the
>scene after) and BBB becomes bbBBB (15 leading frames, maybe from the
>scene before). In the end, the sequence keeps the same lenght but the
>transition uses frames I dont like.
>Which option has to be enabled (or disabled) that the transition will
>not change the lenght of the clips?

Rather than try to figure out what you did, this is
how I do it: Open track 1 to show V1A, V1B, and a
transition track. Overlap the tracks by the length of
transition desired. Dump the transition between them
(it automatically adjusts in length to fit). Adjust
the transition controls to taste. Cross-fade the audio.
For more: www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/premiere.htm