On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:35:27 -0600, "Doug" wrote:

>What confuses the issue more is the context, and content, of which someone
>is shooting. If your camera were stationary and your footage also
>stationary, then there should (ideally) be no difference at all in the
>footage between PS and IVS. This has intrigued me; I'm going to do some
>playing around. I guess the only way to share results would be to record
>the output of both on VHS and then analogue capture that...but if I figure a
>way to do it and the results are worth sharing, I'll let you know.

You are right that removing camera and subject motion would
equalize the appearance of interlaced and progressive-scan
video (assuming no other common losses in the PS
implementation, which is not often a reasonable
assumption...;-), but then we are talking about still
photography with sound - and this can be accomplished with
MUCH higher image quality than video provides (it's called
a "slide show"...;-). Been there, done that, and I like
motion (and the advantages of interlaced TV in showing it well...;-).