On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 02:08:23 GMT, "brian a. henderson"
>: ...the measurable resolution is called horizontal resolution
>: but counts vertical TV lines
>Well yeah I knew that, but some times all you can find out is the
>pixels. Oh well. Of the two. PC-5 and PC-100, which gets a better
>picture? A friend of mine is looking to buy a pocket camera to back up his
>TRV-900. He'd like a PC-5 but suspects the 110 is better.
I have the similar PC-100 and the TRV-900...
In ideal light for the PC-100 (bright, but
low contrast - like "cloudy-bright"), it has
a very sharp picture with good tone and color,
but in very contrasty light (hard sunlight),
the contrast is a bit high and detail is lost
in the brightest and darkest areas of the
picture. In medium low light (brightly-lit
room interior at night), the image is quite
good, but as gain goes from +15 to +18, the
color vanishes (though the image is still
sharp and relatively free of "grain" - but
some color irregularities do show in smooth
tone areas at +15). Overall, for a one-chipper,
I am impressed - but it will not go to as low
a light level as the TRV-900 will, doesn't
look as good in bright sun, but in some
situations (medium-bright, low-contrast
lighting, it may actually look better than
the TRV-900...). Another surprise: the PC100
is noticeably larger and heavier than my PC-1
(similar to the PC-5, but the PC-5 HAD chips
may improve the low-light ability relative
to the PC-1, what I was looking to do when
I bought the PC-100). For smallest, try the
PC-5 (hate the idea of that touch-screen,
though...); for best performance in ideal
light for it, *maybe* the PC-110 - but I
would like to see them shot side-by-side,
especially in the lowest and brightest
light levels...