On Mon, 19 Oct 1998 13:41:45 +0100, jlewis1436@hotmail.com (James Lewis) wrote:

>I recently started shooting in black and white and would appreciate
>advice on which coloured filters I should consider purchasing.

Unless you live in an area with VERY clear air, the yellow
and green filters are rarely worth the speed loss. A red filter
can be fun, though somewhat extreme. The orange (two-stop loss...)
is a good compromise for much work. Since TTL camera meters have
considerable color-error, you will probably need to figure out
what compensation you will need when metering (compare readings
of a grey surface without the filter, and with the filter with
the TTL reading vs. with the filter factor applied to the non-filter
meter reading...). Remember that the filters show the most effect
with the most saturated, pure colors. If the subject has none of
these, even the darkest red filter will show little effect in
the final image...