On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 19:57:48 -0800, Valerie S. wrote:

>Hi David,
>I just found your page on that. Very cool and some good tips. Why do you
>make those things so hard to find from your main index page?

'Cuz itz phun...? ;-)
My web page has material on a BUNCH of subjects, so
I use a main-page index (actually two are there, at:
www.David-Ruether-Photography.com), with many sub indices, one
of which is *clearly* marked, "I babble"...;-) (This
one is at: www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/articles.html.)
"I babble" is the index for my written material,
on photography, video, and seeing - and it also
accesses copies of my 5000 posts on the 'net.
(which may be on 'most anything...).
The multi-camera edit article is at:
www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/multi-camera.htm. While
we're at it, the Mini-DV camcorder reviews are at:
the Sony Mini-DV imaging types comparison is at:
the VX2000/PD150 review is at:
the video wide-angle lens converter article is at:
(see the related article on seeing and perspective),
the comparison of 1st and 10th generation Canopus
codec renderings is at:
the intuitive-interface set-up of Premiere is at:
www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/premiere.htm, the copies
of the 5000 posts on photography and video are at:
www.nikonlinks.com/ruether/contents.htm, and the
video-stills 3-D images are at:
www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/changing.html (parts
2 and 3). Beyond that, there are examples of some
of my "serious" photography (I've had about 45
museum shows...), commercial photography, my
MIDI nonsense, and some on my audiomania past
(which threatens to catch up with me - I used to
design and build subwoofers, electronic crossovers,
and preamps - and I may wind up consulting for a
new high-end subwoofer manufacturer soon...;-).