On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 09:47:22 +1300, "Rae" wrote:

>"Neuman - Ruether" wrote in message
>> But, "2/3rds stop faster" is more interesting than
>> "1/2 stop faster", and more accurate...;-)


No - if you saw one lens that was about $100,
and another that was similar in performance
that was almost three times the price, but
was only "1/2 stop faster", it would be much
less interesting for purchase than one "2/3rds
stop faster", which is psychologically almost
a stop faster than the first, even if it really
is very little faster than "1/2 stop faster"...
And, incidentally, "2/3rds stop faster" is
also a more accurate description of the real
speed difference, worth noting unless you
are into inaccurate descriptions...