Ben wrote in message <644iqv$1vh$>...

>I need some informations about Minolta 2,8 50mm MACRO lens.
>I'd like to use it as a standard lens. I need informations about its optical

I acquired a Minolta AF outfit which included four Minolta AF lenses:
the 28mm f2.8, the 35-105, the 100-300, and the 50mm f2.8 Macro.
I was not impressed with any but the 50mm f2.8, which does appear
to me to be the equal of my Nikkors - a very fine lens. (And, BTW, it is
the only one I have left [in nice condition, $215, though your location
may make the sale difficult...;-]). I would use it without hesitation for
normal-lens purposes, since unlike several other recent macro
lenses I have tried, this one has fine infinity-focus performance.
Hope This Helps
David Ruether -