I have depended on Kodalux (Qualex) processing in the US for many
years, and have been rewarded with clean processing of transparencies
and negatives (processing only - printing is best done elsewhere).
Last week, 4 rolls of 36exp. 35mm Reala sent to Kodalux (processing
only - no prints) came back charged at $9.55 each roll! Worse, all
rolls (and most frames) had imbedded dirt. (This is going to be fun
to have printed - it is architecture, and the prints may be large.)
Yesterday, 8 rolls of Fuji 50 came back from Kodalux (same
architecture job), and two of the rolls had scratches running along
the film (different locations in the two rolls). This is not
acceptable. Attempts to reach a Kodak rep. have failed (I suspect
they are REALLY busy, just now, if my experience is typical of
the kind of processing and pricing Kodalux is doing now).
Any comments?
Hope this helps.