On Thu, 01 Feb 2001 05:59:41 GMT, Robert Mayer wrote:

>Is it true with certain Sony camcorders you can turn it on nightshot
>mode and see through chicks clothing? Can you tell me which ones? If
>it's true, I'm getting one tomorrow!!

No - this is a myth.
But the "possibility" caused Sony to disable
a VERY nice feature on their camcorders:
daylight infrared shooting ability. In B&W mode,
it was an interesting way to shoot landscapes
and many other sorts of things. See the TRV-9
review for more, with frame-grabs, at:
BTW, in this mode, the camcorder could sorta
"see" through single-layer open-weave cloth,
like speaker grille cloth, but few people
wear this type of cloth, and rarely in single
layers, so forget the silly myth - in practice
it doesn't work for what you want...;-)