Sorry - I lost the thread on someone asking about glasses
and cameras (my thing is NOT computers, and it seems
[as with ever more auto-laden cameras...] that the newer
software just gets harder to use - too many auto features
to mess up what I want to do, and too much trouble to
go back and undo what the program did that I didn't want
it to do...). Anyway, here is another solution to the
glasses-with-camera problem (assuming that you use
a glasses-friendly camera, like a Nikon...;-):

I have myopia combined with astigmatism and age-related
inability to focus. I had a pair of glasses made that corrected
for four distances by distributing four different distance
corrections among the two main lenses and two bifocals
- which has worked very well (infinity correction for the
non-camera eye, the camera VF distance [about 3.5'] for
the camera eye, the next closest distance for the non-camera
eye bifocal [set low and small - 25mm flat-tops], and the
closest distance set for the camera eye bifocal). It took about
2 weeks to feel comfortable with night driving and movie
watching (the camera eye tends [at first] to predominate
when it is dark, or when the subject does not have a lot of
well-defined detail) - but for everything now, continuous
sharp focus over a wide range of distances has been
restored, and I can see the camera viewing screen very
sharply again.
Hope This Helps
David Ruether -