On Sat, 10 Aug 2002 21:02:55 -0700 (PDT), bigrocketman3@webtv.net (Steve McDonald) wrote:

> Here is a comprehensive and greatly appreciated review and
>comparison test of the new Canon GL2, as posted by Barry Goyette on
>another forum. Be sure to read all the comments and the author's
>response to them, below the review. Form your own opinions, but I'm
>thinking more positively about this model, after reading this:
>Steve McDonald

Thanks - this is an interesting review. A few comments:
The comparisons appear to have been well-done. I would
like to see also comparison shots made of a street scene,
both on a sunny-clear day, and on a grey day, and of a
natural-light head-shot (to see the color rendering of
familiar subjects). From what is shown, it appears that
the GL2 corrects both the color bias of the GL1, and the
excessive contrast. With standard, unaltered settings and
DWB used, it appears to me that the PD150 picture (the
VX2000 has the same picture characteristics) is a tad
sharper (but with less oversharpening), with more neutral
color, and with more color range shown (in the horse
example) - but the GL2 picture looks better than that of
the XL1s (and considerably better than that of the GL1,
from what I remember of it [see:
and www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/vid_pict_characts.htm,
click on the "key" to see what cameras were used for
the image examples]). From the comments in the review,
it appears the PD150/VX2000 still has the better low-light
picture and range, also. Given that the price of a GL2
is roughly the same as that of a VX2000, the latter
appears to remain a somewhat better value in terms of
picture quality... BTW, less definitive than the review
pointed out by SMcD, but still interesting, are the
comments and comparisons at: