On Sat, 15 Aug 1998 20:30:33 -0400, "Mac Breck"
>FM2n came out about a year after the FM2. The "n" has an aluminum shutter
>whereas the FM2 shutter was honeycomb etched titanium. The "n" shutter has
>a higher flash sync speed (1/250th in the normal shutter speed range as
>opposed to the FM2's 1/200th outside the shutter speed range, and hence no
>metering at 1/200th).
>Supposedly the "n" shutter is more reliable (and less expensive to make, but
>nobody mentions this part), but I've never had any trouble with my two FM2
>shutters which I've used since I bought them new in 1982.
Try synching flash at 1/250th with your FM2's - you may be pleasantly
surprised, as I was after David Rosen suggested trying it...;-)
Somehow I find it difficult to believe an aluminum shutter would be
more durable than one made of titanium, but.....;-)