In article <01bc4c81$a3d70080$2d52c1d0@708714093>, says...

>I use to own an FA, and will probably by an FE2 this year. I think the FE2
>has one big advantage - the ability to lock in exposure and recompose. The
>FA does not have this feature. As for the Matrix metering --- I found that
>it was no better than center-weighted metering, and less predictable. I'd
>go with the FE2.

I agree with the above (and would add that the ambient-light meter
of the FE-2 stays on when the flash is on (it doesn't on the FA),
and a crude sort of TTL-fill is possible with the FE-2 by setting
film speed higher by the fill ratio desired (400 ASA maximum, darn...)
and then misreading the match-needle meter by the same amount. The
FA has one advantage which led me to sell my two FE-2's and replace
them with FA's: the shutter release is softer, and it is easier to
take sharp pictures at marginal shutter speeds (the ones I almost
always seem to be using... [tripods get in my way and I use them
only when it is essential, since much of my work is either too
fast-paced to be slowed by a tripod, or requires moving with the
least possible volume and weight of gear...]).
David Ruether (Bob Neuman)