In article <42utab$>, amun-ra@ix.netcom.comö says...
>I recently purchaced a used Nikon F3HP, I noticed that it does not have
>the standard ISO flash mount. I also noticed that Nikon does not make
>an adapter that would allow me to purchase 3rd party ttl, standard ISO
>flashes. I would like to know if anyone knows of a 3rd party flash
>maker that produces such an adapter for the F3. I also would like to be
>able to do off camera flash operations as well as multi-flash setups.

The F3 TTL system cannot be adapted to the standard Nikon TTL shoe
because ASA information needs to be transferred to F3 TTL flashes.
Why not stick with the F3 cords and flashes (SB12, 17, 16A)? They
work well (up to 400 ASA), and using the AS7 or a remote TTL cord,
TTL fill ratios can be set (since the shoe and cord have an ASA ring that can be set to a different ASA from the one on the camera). This
system is unusually reliable, also, since the cord, shoe, or flash
lock onto the body, preventing contacts from slipping off their pins.
I do recommend that a cc05Y filter be added to the Nikon flashes of
this era to bring them to the more pleasant color of current Nikon
flashes. If you wish to keep the ambient-light meter on when the
flash is on (with the loss of the ready-light in the camera
viewfinder and the loss of the automatic lowering of the shutter
speed down to the synch. speed), tape over the middle of the 3
contacts on the F3 flash shoe. Vivitar (and others) did make F3 TTL flashes, and the Vivitar worked off an adapter shoe, but this flash
was unusual in that it had an ASA set that adjusted the flash, not
just the display on the flash, in order to get around the missing
ASA information transfer through the shoe. The F3 flashes do allow multi-flash TTL operation with Nikon interconnect cords.
Hope this helps.