On 08 Feb 2000 02:49:36 GMT, clifand@aol.com (ClifAnd) wrote:
Yes - I trust the video field will not acquire the
irrational tendency to believe in the impossible that
the audio field has...;-) Next, we will be told to
paint the edges of the cassettes green, and put a brick
on top the camcorder for better color saturation...!;-)
>There should be no difference in the data they record--with the exception of
>the dropout rate. This would apply to both audio and video. I vote that this
>review is nonsense. Other opnions?
>>Panasonic AY-DVM60EJ: Cooler tones, audio balanced between high and lows.
>>JVC MDV60ME: Warmer tones, audio skews towards highs.