On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 14:09:05 GMT, rexman@my-deja.com wrote:

>Now, there is some quality loss during rendering because the video is
>decompressed and recompressed with the codec during the process of
>adding filters, transitions, etc... but it is negligible with a good DV

On my web page at the end of the camcorder reviews
(with direct-access - look in the "I babble" index, near the
end) is a comparison of frame-grabs from the original
footage, and from the same footage rendered (forced by
alternating +1 and -1 brightness changes in Premiere)
for 10 generations. The images have differences, but
they are subtle... With the codec used with the DPS
Spark card (Adeptec), and probably the similar Miro
DV200 and DV300 cards, with B&W footage a slight image
darkening and shift toward green are noticeable in
the first generation (simple filter compensation can
be added to cancel the changes, though...).