On Tue, 15 Sep 1998 16:19:04 GMT, bill@pwrvideoxxx.com (bill) wrote:
>I'm at a point of depression right now. I have a $11,000.00+
>underwater video system centered around the VX-1000. I want to create
>buttkicking videos as well as market stock footage. My problem:
>everyone I encounter is telling me I'm gonna have to go MAC. Is this
>true? I have about $5,000.00 to spend on a system including software
>such as Adobe Premeire. I was hoping to do it on a PC 400 top end
>system. I know they make Premeire for the PC and have hardware and
>such to support DV input. Am I really gonna have to go MAC to put out
>some superior video? I know MAC has been the paradigm for graphics
>for a long time, but PCs haven't caught up yet? I know PC's, I don't
>know MAC. Appreciate any input.
If you know PC's well enough to build them (no big deal, just
watch for component compatibility problems...;-), a FireWire
system that works well should cost WELL under $5K...
I'm using a modest DPS Spark (not +, you don't need SCSI drives
for FireWire-miniDV...)/AMD-K6-233/96-megs EDO/IBM-Deskstar
UDMA drives/Premiere 4.2/Win 98 system that works well (doesn't
crash, unless I don't regularly save work in Premiere...;-), and
is fast enough for my work (I've edited several videos with it,
up to one hour in length). BTW, I may be upgrading soon,
so.....;-) (I am debating trading off a known, stable system
for the glittering lights of a P-II 400 with four 14 [or 16] gig
Deskstars... - but maybe I shouldn't do that..... ;-)
BTW, there is no difference between the capabilities and
mini-DV output quality of Mac vs. PC's - just maybe some
differences in operation (and maybe cost...;-).