On Mon, 12 Oct 1998 05:21:22 GMT, zhupanov@usa.net (Sergey Zhupanov) wrote:

>They are all matte, as opposed to the center-only matte
>default screen. Could someone explain what the heck
>are the implications of that, please. My guess is
>that the all-matte screen is darker, but easier to manually
>focus on, but I think I am probably wrong.

The "D" is all-matte, without Fresnel; the "B" is all-matte,
but with a Fresnel outside a center spot. The centers are about
equal, but the edges are brighter in the "B" with all but
long lenses. Without the Fresnel, though, the "D" edges are
slightly sharper. I prefer the "B" (and similar "E" with grid
lines) to the screens with (annoying...) "focus aids".