On Tue, 29 May 2001 20:45:03 -0600, Trainspotter wrote:

>I notice you use Premiere, and I think you also mentioned CoolEdit
>Pro. P's sound is barebones, even though they did improve in v6. I
>think I will need to use a full-featured sound package along side of
>Premiere 6. Does CoolEdit serve your needs? Is it easy to work with
>the two packages together? Or do you use CEP just for odd jobs and
>clips, sound-wise?

I'm actually using the CE'96 version...
I use it mostly for its noise-reduction module,
though in general it is one of those rare,
***NICE*** programs that does what it does well,
is easy and pleasant to use, and has no bugs
that have yet bothered me (and it was VERY
cheap...;-). I find Premiere remarkably able
for handling most other audio needs for
video - though I might not choose it for
highest-quality audio-only jobs. CE serves me
for the occasional making of new sounds, for
NR, and for those few rare other needs that
Premiere can't handle - and I use it to
visually inspect final audio tracks for
clipping (I often use 6-7 stereo tracks mixed,
and it is easy to accidentally clip the audio
when doing this).