On Sun, 16 Jun 2002 23:14:18 -0400, "Dirk J. Bakker" wrote:

>Jim Harvey wrote:
>>INteresting David, but I don't seem to have the edge problems that you
>>describe. I of course, have changed some of the setttings to lessen the
>>"electronic" effect that you illustrate. That in conjunction with the proper
>>filters renders an extremely pleasing picture. As for the orange interiors,
>>proper white blaancing can and will eliminate that problem.
>>If you are taking the camera (any camera) out of the box and shooting with
>>the factory presets, you'll probably experience a sub standard picture. The
>>idea is to adjsut your camera ( again, any camera) to deliver the picture
>>that you require.
>>I think this is a subject that has been woefully ignored here and in other
>>Even the excellent JVC 500 and the Sony DSR300 benefit greatly from camera
>>Jim Harvey

>Perhaps it is in his interest to NOT make those adjustments, any more
>than updating his reviews, along with the need or tendency to use camera
>designations interchangeably. All in the name of impartiality.
>As the failed deletion of this former part of this thread illustrates:

>>>>>Oh, can I resist...? 'Course not...! ;-)
>>>>>"Canon-myopia" is too irresistible! ;-)
>>>>>First, if your reference is the GL-1, it is rather
>>>>>low as 3-CCD Mini-DV camcorders go (see:

None of your part of the post above makes very much sense,
though I suppose it is pointless to point this out. With
some (JH, for one...), a rational discussion of issues is
possible; with others, brand partisanship is all-powerful,
and that makes intelligent exchanges of opinions/findings/
observations impossible, unfortunately - and instead,
comments on writing style, web page design, irrelevant
details of the reviews, irrelevant post details, etc. are
substituted for the issues being discussed with those worth
responding to... If you do not have a specific thing to add
to the discussion topic that is relevant and can carry the
exchange forward, perhaps you should consider the
possibility of maybe beginning to rethink your additions of
"monkey-wrench" OT additions to threads (I couldn't resist
giving you ammunition here for "style" comments...! ;-).