DARN! Almost had a VX2000 - AG-DVX100 comparison...!
An owner of a Panasonic AG-DVX100 (the 24P model...)
kindly offered to bring over his camera for a quick
preliminary comparison of its picture with my VX2000
in daylight, tungsten, and low-light conditions, using
familiar subject material (used for my other camcorder
comparison articles, listed under "video", at:
www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/articles.html). Due to a time
limitation of 1/2 hour for the shooting tests, little
else would be covered, and I requested that all controls
be set "neutral" and "auto" for this first round.
While beginning to check the footage from both cameras
for editing together for comparisons and frame-grabbing,
it was obvious that either the Panasonic picture
suffered rather severe artifacting problems, or the
sharpness had not been set to something near neutral.
A quick call to the owner established that the sharpening
had been up 3 "notches", spoiling the comparison footage.
Unfortunately the owner was not yet fully familiar with
the camera's controls, some of which appear to be
potentially problematic... I intended to get together
again with the AG-DVX100 owner sometime after
Thanksgiving for a more thorough trial of the camera,
but wanted to get at least the picture basics covered
now - but this did not happen, alas...
Fortunately, I noticed the problem, and did not report
what I found as "normal" for this camera...! ;-) My
impressions-opinions of this camcorder are hereby reset
to "0", pending more experience with it, sigh...! ;-)