In article <5ia1qk$>, says...
[Re: Nikon 85mm 1.8 AF-D or 105mm]
> Interested in responces on either lens, which is sharper at
> critical aperature and wide open, also quality of 16x20 prints
105mm f2 AF, 105mm f2.8 AF, 105mm f2.8 MF, 105mm f1.8 MF,
or 105mm f2.5 MF (and which version of that?;-)...? Well,
the MF 105 non-macros have some problems near minimum-focus
at widest stops, the 105 AF macros are none too easy to focus
manually near infinity, and often show alignment problems
there, visible at wide stops, the 85mm f1.8 is weakest in the
corners near infinity-focus wide-open - otherwise they are all
about equally fine (and exceptionally fine, with the possible
exception of the oldest version of the MF 105 f2.5 - but it
is still a good lens).
Hope This Helps
(aka "Bob Neuman", but is really "David Ruether"...;-)