On Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:16:51 -0600, "Aaron Luffman"
>Are there any opinions out there on this.
You can find more on this on my web page, under "I babble",
but the 80-200, used with a good achromat (Fuji, or Canon),
but NOT extension tubes, can do high-quality macro imaging
(stopped down to around f11 or so...).
>I was thinking of buying the new 80 to 200 f/2.8 when it comes out(B&H says
>in about two months) but I also need a macro lens with a 1:1 ratio.
>Couldn't I kill two birds with one lens?
Dunno - I have not tried the new lens, but I would be
surprised if it were not at least as good as the
REALLY first-rate current version... If you are willing
to experiment to find out what combinations of
achromats/tubes/converters/apertures give you good
results at 1:1, the new lens should serve you well
for both macro and normal-distance photography...