>Thanks for your response. Your's was the kind of response I was looking for.
>A few people have also suggested me to go for 105/2.8AF micro for the added
>working distance that it gives. How is the optical performance of that lens at
>minimum focus and at inifinity? Also, how does the that compare with the 55mm
>and the 60mm micros?

Hi-- The 105mm AF is very hard to focus accurately near infinity, and 2 of 2
that I have tried were not well aligned (focus plane was not parallel to film
plane). If one could find a well aligned sample, it would be very good at
infinity (not so good as MF version, but that one isn't so good in macro as AF).
The 105 AF is excellent down to minimum focus (a little inferior to 60mm), but
does not work so well on tubes and converters as 60 (though the 60 has
insufficient working distance at high magnifications). Overall, the 105mm AF
Micro-Nikkor is excellent everywhere except near infinity at wide apertures.