jim sandoz wrote in article <342081D0.167E@lucent.com>...

> Can some Nikkor-lens-whiz tell me what the potential
> is for using a Nikkor 50-300mm f/4.5 SN 757055
> (ca. "1973-ish") on my N90S.

Well, as I used to joke about this lens, who wouldn't want
a VERY heavy, VERY large, slow (f4.5) 50mm lens that
requires 95mm filters and focuses down to a (close ;-)
8 feet, and is not a stellar performer...? ;-) (At the long
end, it makes more sense...;-)

> The current owner is a bit fuzzy on when he bought it,
> but 1972-1974 is his time window. He has owned a succession
> of Nikon pro cameras, from the original F onward to his
> current stalwart F3/HP. Thus, he is not even sure for
> which camera the lens was intended to be used with.

If it is not AI or AI-modified, DO NOT attempt to mount it on
an AI body (some, like the F3, will allow doing it, if the AI
tab is raised before mounting the lens, and stop-down metering
is used). If the rear edge of the aperture ring is the same all
around (no raised ridges), it is not AI.

> The lens is, as you can imagine, about 1 ft. (~300mm)
> long and has a filter size of 95mm. The lens barrel
> near the filter mount reads:
> "Zoom-Nikkor Auto 1:4.5 f=50mm ~ f=300mm
> Nippon Kogaku Japan No.757055"
> The lens is equipped with a tripod collar, permanently
> affixed about a third of the way out from the mount.
> The collar rotates and is indexed at 4 positions by
> means of a threaded thumbwheel. The smallest stop
> is f/22, and it focuses down to a marked 2.5 meters.
> The mount is a Nikon F type and clicks on my EM, FM2, and
> N90S, however I don't know enough to say whether the unit
> is an AI, AIS, or other vintage. The mount, for what it
> is worth, has the infamous Nikon "pistol sight" appendage.
> (which mated with the original F aperture detect mechanism?)
> None of the f/stop markings are colored; all are white
> against the lens's black body.
> So, given all that:
> Can the N90S, using this lens, deduce correct exposure
> when in aperture-priority mode?

If AI or AI'd, yes - if not, do not mount the lens on your bodies!

> If not, can I fool the lens or the camera into doing so?
> Does this lens need to be modified (mechanically) to work
> correctly with modern Nikons (e.g. N90S)?

Probably yes - about $25 + shipping to AI it, if it is not
already AI.

> Finally, what is this lens worth? (A++ condition - used
> maybe 10 times, has original box with molded-in foam,
> and the original carry strap. The box, by the way, is gold
> colored, with black lettering for the description "Zoom-
> Nikkor Auto 50mm-300mm f4.5", and has a large "F" in white
> lettering. The SN on the box matches that of the lens.)

There were two versions. If there is no "ED" and gold band
on the lens, it is the earlier version (though some of the box
description sounds later...), and worth maybe $5-600 (?).
If the later ED version, it is worth considerably more (it would
be a current lens, and it sells for close to $3000 new,
discounted - and is optically better than the earlier version).
Hope This Helps
David Ruether - http://www.fcinet.com/ruether