
>I saw this reference in a posting:
>I have myopia combined with astigmatism and age-related inability
to focus. I had a pair of glasses made that corrected for four
distances by distributing four different distance corrections among
the two main lenses and two bifocals - which has worked very well
(infinity correction for the non-camera eye, the camera VF distance
[about 3.5'] for the camera eye, the next closest distance for the
non-camera eye bifocal [set low and small - 25mm flat-tops], and
the closest distance set for the camera eye bifocal). It took about
2 weeks to feel comfortable with night driving and movie watching
(the camera eye tends [at first] to predominate when it is dark, or
when the subject does not have a lot of well-defined detail) - but
for everything now, continuous sharp focus over a wide range of
distances has been restored, and I can see the camera viewing
screen very sharply again.
>"Hope This Helps"
>I'd kind of like to know a little more about it. I was a news
photographer until I was about 32 and never had any problems
focusing, although I have worn glasses for nearsightedness since
the 8th grade. Now that I am nearly 50 and have been wearing
bifocals for about a year and a half, I think I am experiencing
focusing problems. I notice that it is no longer "second nature"
for me to attain sharp focus. I really have to work at it and
consequently I have a lot of unsharp images. I am also having a
lot of problems with the bi-focals both through the camera, and
in the darkroom. neither lens seems to work well for focusing.
"John G. Walter"

Um, other than what I wrote above...;-), not too much to say...
I take my glasses off for close work, being near-sighted - this works
best for darkroom work, though I have added a low-power focus magnifier
(the type with the GG image - not the grain-magnifier, which is too
high in magnification and too narrow in area). Making the bifocals low
and small (and not set for too-close focus) was good when I first got
them, but then a gap appeared between the two distance settings for
the main and bifocal lenses - the four-distance idea helped a LOT with
this, and also gave proper correction for the camera eye (in the large
distance lens) for sharply seeing the camera GG.