
>Would you please explain the glasses you had made a little more fully. Do
>you mean that you have a normal bifocal with reading patches in addition?
>Does the bifocal contain two perscriptions and the patch two as
Martin Hack

There are single bifocal lenses in each side, for a total of four glasses
lens focal-lengths. What is different from standard bi-focal corrections
set-up is that one distance lens is assigned infinity focus, the other 1
meter (to take care of the camera viewfinder normal viewing "distance",
and also the distance normally lost in normal bifocal set-ups); the bifocal
in the "infinity" lens is set for about 2' (longer than usual, but useful
for "paper in lap" distance) and the bifocal in the "one-meter" lens is set
for about 18" (suitable for most short-term reading - other glasses are
used for extended reading and for computer work, though). This gives good
corrections for four different distances within the usual bifocal-glasses
arrangement. With the small flat-tops set lower than normal, I have complete,
continuous smooth-focus, sharp vision from about 1' to infinity (with no
sense of "mono-vision" in the four-distance settings since the FL "errors"
between distances are minor), and with wide-angle vision (unlike with
narrow-angle "lineless" glasses, and with bifocals with the FLs set for too
close a distance, and with the inset lenses made too large to see distant
things around them, and too high for a good optimization of sharpness in
the vertical direction) - and a sharp view of the camera viewfinder.
I HIGHLY recommend this scheme - it solves virtually all glasses focus
problems for both seeing and for camera focus without going to hard-to-use
trifocals and lineless glasses.