On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 15:58:31 -0800, Erik Ryberg wrote:

>I am an amateur large format photographer who suddenly needs to use a 35
>mm camera for a project this summer for work. I have a Nikkormat body
>and need to buy some lenses, probably a 28 and 80 or so. I am willing
>to spend the money for high quality lenses. Speed is not that important
>(remember, I'm used to making many-second exposures at f64!).
>However, looking over the various used Nikon lenses available I notice a
>wide price difference and suspect there is a quality difference as
>well. Can any of you suggest which models I should look for? Is it
>true that more or less any Nikon lens will fit this camera? Am I better
>off buying a recent AI lens even though I can't use the AI because of
>other quality differences? Has the multi-coating improved quite a bit
>over the years? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thanks

You may find my Nikkor evaluation list useful (on my web
page, under "I babble"...;-). I second D D-G's
recommendation, and add the possible alternatives of
the 28mm f3.5/4PC, 28mm f3.5 AI/AIS, and the 85mm f1.8
non-AI/AI Nikkors to the 28mm f2.8 AIS and 85mm f2 AI/AIS
he recommended... These are all excellent lenses, and
the perspective-control lens may give you a familiar and
useful large-format feature.