On Sat, 20 Mar 1999 05:38:41 -0500, "Jeff Krulikoski"
>how much RAM is enough, can you really ever have too much? NAH!
>i am only at 64mb right now, is it worth it to upgrade?
With Premiere 4.2 and 5.1 there was a general improvement
in performance when I went from an AMD K6-233 with 96megs
64megs cacheable in that computer...) to a 450MHz-clocked
Celeron 300A with 128megs (no surprise here...). But when
I recently had available a second 128-meg PC-100 DIMM (for
a second Spark-based miniDV-editing computer), I popped it
into my computer to see if I could detect a performance
difference between 128megs and 256megs when using P-5.1.
I couldn't...;-)