Jim Addie wrote in message ...

>Anyone else run into this?:
> Video with sound captured from a Sony VX-1000 through a Firewire card (in
> my case, a Spark) to .AVI files contains sound recorded at 32kHz sampling,
> 16 bit stereo. Premier (bundled with Spark and others) only has audio
> presets for 44kHz (really, 44.1kHz), 22kHz, and 11kHz sampling rates.
> Premier will play a VX-1000 clip in a clip window fine, but if it is
> played from a construction window or from a compiled movie, the audio is
> laced with aliasing noise, a whiney, hissy sound. This is caused by
> Premier playing 32kHz audio back at 44kHz, but in proper sync with
> picture. The net result is bad audio, great video.
> Audio recorded at 44kHz (like from a sound card) plays back fine with
> Premier. But all my audio was recorded with the VX-1000 at 32kHz.
> Adobe said today that they have no fix, and no date for a fix. They
> suggested a work around involving sampling the audio with an audio editor
> at 44kHz, and laying it back into the movie. Since my project involves
> nearly all camera audio, and will be 40 minutes long (finished), that
> process is impractical. Not to mention that you can't really see if video
> is in sync with audio until after the movie is compiled!
> I don't know who to be madder at, Adobe, or DPS for bundling Premier with
> their Spark card. My project is on hold until I can find a fix, new
> editing software, or funding to have someone edit it for me on an Avid or
> something.
> Adobe said the problem doesn't exist on the Mac platform. Shucks! I own
> a Mac, and chose the PC for my editing platform because of the DPS Spark!
> I noticed that Miro is bundling Premier with their 1394 card too. Those
> users will have the same problem!
> Anyone know of an editor that will handle 32kHz audio properly and work
> with Spark? Or is there some other fix I'm missing?

I don't know enough technically to tell you what is wrong, or to know if these suggestions will be effective, but I notice that preview of image/sound quality is about impossible (though sound played from a preview is fine - just not well-synced to the terrible Premier preview window image) - I need to take the rendered movie clips off the HD using Spark fed to the camcorder and then to a TV/sound-system to judge sound quality (when I use the Spark to run the clips on the computer screen [with sound output to an amplifier and good speakers], the computer resources are so occupied [hard even to control Spark software when a clip is running...] that sound playback quality suffers... [and it is actually better on the HD than it sounds]).
I assume that you have played with the audio interleave numbers ("4-frames" for record, "2-frames" for playback works for me, but the numbers may be different for you), and have also downloaded the various DPS software fixes... In my short experience so far, sound has been fine captured with the Spark from the VX-1000, worked on in Premier on a PC, and returned to the camcorder... (Lucky so far, I guess...;-) Only real hitch with the sound happened last night - a captured clip had no sound. Stopped me until I remembered that I had tried to capture a clip that had a bit of 16-bit material at the beginning - mixing is a no-no, but straight capture of 12-bit sound in Premier should be no problem...;-)
David Ruether