>David, I have an N90s, and have used a nice 100 2.8 E for candid portrait
>shots, but I'm finding it more difficult to capture less-than-still subjects
>with MF lens.
I find the N90 finder unacceptably unsharp for easy MF, but haven't had the chance to see if fitting an 8008 screen in one is practical/advantageous.
Try any MF body, or the 8008 or F4/5 (with a plain-centered B or E screen),
and see how quick/easy MF can be (assuming you can focus your eye sharply at
3.5', the VF apparent focus distance...).
>I'm considering the 105 2.8 AF-D Micro.
>Do you think that I'll be satisfied with this lens..relative to the 100 2.8E?
>Joel JWMALAHY@aol.com
It is as good at infinity (assuming good alignment -- 2 of 3 AF 105M's
I checked were not well-aligned) as the E, sharper around 4', harder to
MF at normal distances, and much bigger/heavier/more-expensive - though
the M focuses MUCH closer...;-)