On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:02:34 -0500, Alan Browne wrote:

>As a starter, take the f/1.8 and use the difference for a tripod or a
>bunch of slide film: Fuji Velvia(50) and Sensia 100, Kodak Elitechrome 100.
>The f/1.4 might be sharper at some point than the f/1.8, but in neither
>lens will it be wide open. So don't sweat the half stop.
>( And by the way ... "sharpest" is not the only characteristic of a good
>lens.... )

"Sharpness" implies both good resolution and good contrast,
which tend to be the most important aspects, though there
are others, as you point out... (and "sharpness" is often
used when "resolution" is meant...). BTW, f1.8 and f1.4
are more than 1/2 stop apart...