<Firewagon1@prodigy.net> wrote in message
"Fredrik Jonson" <pt97fjo@student.bth.se> wrote in message
> > If the venue allows you to be
close, then a 50mm f/1.8 with a 1.4x TC
> > handy might be a cheaper,
faster, sharper solution.
> Is it? I have never heard of anyone recommending that combo before.
> So I have just assumed that a teleconverter would be specifically
> tailored for tele lenses and thus not very good for normal lenses.
> I have a TC-16A and a 50/1.8. If that combo actually would be useful
> as a 80/2.8 then I'd be a happy camper. =)
> Anyone know, or actually use that combo?
Don't think so. A 50mm + 1.4 only gets you to 70mm f2 - hardly noticeable
and you could as easily crop and enlarge from the bare 50 as effectively as
adding that converter. Canon's converters are not even designed to work on
the shorter FL lenses. The name kinda gives the clue to the use intended for
converters - i.e., "tele (as in telephoto) converter."
See my
post, just above yours...
addition, a crop this great with film will look tonally worse
using a converter. Nikon does make short-lens converters
they work very well on short-FL lenses - for fisheyes,
PC-lenses, etc.). While the obvious use is for
"reach" with teles, some of the best uses are on short
Also, putting a converter on a lens faster than about f2
not give you any more "speed" than an f1.8-2 lens - converters
have "speed", limiting the effective aperture size of the
(in addition to the expected speed losses).
David Ruether