On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 00:41:43 GMT, "Tony Spadaro" <tspadaro@ncmaps.rr.com> wrote:


>Basically one has to learn to seethe way the lens does. This is true for

>teles too. Below 24mm you are really getting into seeing wider than you

>percieve with your eyes - peripheral becomes central.


Actually, "seeing wider than you perceive with your eyes"

is a personal thing...;-) Some people rarely consciously

attend to areas in their vision wider than maybe 500mm

equivalent, with most of the attention being in a VERY

tiny area, equivalent to thousands of mm FL in 35mm-format

terms; others can see angles approaching 200 degrees (yes,

a bit behind the position of the eyes...); most with any

interest in "wide angle vision" see what most good glasses

will cover (about the equivalent of a 15-20mm lens in 35mm).

For more on this, and on perspective (we see in "fisheye

perspective", contrary to popular opinion...;-), see:

www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/articles.html#perspective (wait

for the long page to load - it should then jump to the

seeing article...).