"lemonade" <lemonade@iceshop.com> wrote in message



> Anyone have tips on 2nd time recording using used MiniDV tapes?


Just record away...! ;-)

Actually, there is more to it. Assuming same-camera

and SP-mode, the above is generally true unless you

are having drop-out problems (with this, recording

even SP over SP with the same camera can result in

problems with error-correction and you may see

parts of frames of earlier-recorded materials on the

new recording) - but if you both switch recording

speeds and cameras (especially camera brands),

there can also be problems. A bulk-erasure would

likely be best for taking care of these problems. I'm

not a "believer" in "blacking" tape (running it through

the camera with the lens cap on), though...


 David Ruether

