On Sat, 01 Mar 2003 19:50:17 GMT, "Yi-Zen Chu; Yiren Qu" <yizen@attbi.com> wrote:


>Perhaps I'm not understanding the difference between real distortion and

>the effects of perspective due to being close to a subject. I'd like to

>take the following shot as example:




>The man on the bike has relatively proportional features, yes? But if we

>look to the side we see a man and woman. These people appear stretched

>out and "sheared" slightly - am I understanding correctly that this is



>So I guess the lesson is not to put your subject way off center? The

>thing is I see my Sigma giving me images that look like the man and

>woman, just slightly milder. That makes my subject look rather strange





"MC" has it right (and also see "z's" post, below). You

may prefer a wide-angle lens with considerable barrel

"distortion" to minimize extreme WA effects with rounded

subjects (though this will not "correct" too-close

a viewpoint...). For more on why even a moderate WA lens

with no "distortion" can make people look bad, and a

VERY much wider fisheye can show people near the edges

looking "OK", see:

www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/articles.html#perspective and


BTW, the WA "distortion" appearance is due to the

perspective difference between the perspective type of

most lenses and the perspective type of our vision,

which is closer to "fisheye"...