On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 13:56:39 -0500, "Joe Sacher" <news@joesacher.com> wrote:


>"Paul Tauger" <ptaugerspamtrap@cox.net> wrote...


>> If you find something, let me know!  ;)


>> I'll also add to the wish list the ability to accellerate and decelerate.

>> Premiere can only do constant speed.


>Take a look at Vegas Video.  Most (in not all) effects have the ability to

>be keyframed.  This allows you to do whatever you want with velocity of zoom

>or panning.  It is really easy to get a slow, fast, slow effect, or

>something similar.  If you just want linear, you just set a keyframe at

>start and one at end.  Keyframing makes it easy to alter the settings of

>video effects based on time for real powerful control.


You can keyframe in Premiere, too - but this does not get

you smooth acceleration/deceleration... And for an earlier

poster, you would need to add one hech of a lot of blur

to suppress some of the nastier artifacts one sometimes

gets with Premiere (and likely others) moving images in

DV - and the point of using high-res images in the first

place is to arrive at full TV-res images in the output;

adding considerable blur defeats this... I could not

improve on Premiere with AE in terms of artifacting with

digital sources, but I gave up with struggling with its

absurd interface (perhaps too early to see what it can

really do, but the annoyance factor prohibits further

work with it - I will download a trial version of the

Canopus "Imaginate" today, and see what it does...).