On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 00:22:51 +1300, Brian
<bclark@es.co.nz> wrote:
>I've been told that recording in LP on a DV video tape
can cause
>problems with dropouts etc.
>I was wondering if I can record to DV in LP after
editing the tape so
>my final recording from the computers hard drive is in
LP format?
>I could check the DV tape afterwards for dropouts. Would
>problems likely to happen in a stored video tape
recorded in LP?
>The reason for doing this is to be able to archive my
recording in
>storing more video recordings per tape length 90 minutes
instead of 60
>minutes on a 60 minute tape.
I would not do it for the reason you give (tape is cheap),
though I do sometimes do it with masters that have no good
break point for a fade to/from black, but only using Sony
cameras (about a dozen are cross-compatible record/play
in LP mode, so...), but I make two copies in LP-mode
(figuring I can later recover a single good combined edit
of these for remastering, if need be...), and one copy
in SP-mode either on a 90-minute D8 tape, split on 60-minute
Mini-DV tape, or on an 80-minute DV tape...